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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: Luke 17:1-6


In today's Gospel we can reflect on two themes: forgiveness and faith. When Jesus says: “And if he wrongs you seven times in one day and returns to you seven times saying, ‘I am sorry,’ you should forgive him.” He is teaching us to always forgive. The apostles realized the depth of this teaching and their great difficulty in carrying it out, so they immediately say, "Increase our faith."

Only with a deep and enlightened faith it is possible to always forgive those who offend us. We need to have the faith that God the Father provides everything for our eternal salvation. His main objective for the life of each one of us is that one day, we will be with him in Paradise and, for that, He needs to educate us and lead us on this path towards Heaven.

This is the path of learning to love so that we can remain forever in Infinite Love. Love demands that we leave our own selves to go out to meet the other, it demands that we renounce all selfishness in order to be free to serve the other. And forgiveness is part of that liberation from self.

We only get hurt, we feel offended because we put the perspective in terms of "me," in "my" point of view. When we let go of our ego it is easier to forgive, even if the other person has actually done something wrong. We must put ourselves in the other's shoes and think that if we had the same life story, the same traumas, the same education, maybe we could have done a lot worse.

We must always show where the other went wrong, but always thinking about his salvation and separating sin from the sinner. Even if the other does not repent, we must forgive, even if it is difficult. Forgiveness is a decision and not a feeling. And to be able to decide to forgive, we must ask like the apostles: "Increase our faith."



Who do I need to forgive? Do I forgive myself when I sin and confess?



Holy Mother of God, help me have a merciful heart, that is free to love and to give myself to the good of others.

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Only with a deep and enlightened faith it is possible to always forgive those who offend us. #dailygospel

Daily Gospel 2


Copyright 2021 Flávia Ghelardi