Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.
Today's Gospel: Luke 11:29-32
Once a year a certain date rolls around that reminds us of our time on earth. And while some may decide to forget about it or prefer to not have a party, their loved ones usually don’t let them get away with it. As I complete 42 years on this earth today, I am tempted to ignore the day, yet I can’t. We are called to be joyful people, so I choose to celebrate!
I celebrate the family God has given me, the children I see growing right before my eyes and yes, even the gray hairs and the more than abundant cellulose. Birthdays remind us that life is a gift. Each year that passes has its ups and downs, but brings us closer and closer to meeting our Savior and our Love.
Today’s Gospel includes a strong rebuke from Jesus because the people were looking for a sign, proof of the fact that he was truly a God-Man. He appears frustrated at their lack of belief and states: “there is something greater than Solomon here…there is something greater than Jonah here.”
How often we fail to see the goodness and the greatness of God! This is something we should celebrate so much more than a birthday! Our God came down to earth to show us how to live, then to show us just how much He loved us by His Passion and death. He even paved the way for His coming throughout history by sending his prophets and forerunners. He was priming our hearts to receive the greatest gift of all, His love.
So instead of asking God for signs, let’s thank Him today for all the signs He has already given us, all the wonders he has worked in our lives and the loving embrace yet to come.
Have you ever asked God for a sign? Consider joyful surrender instead.
Lord, today I choose to rejoice in Your truth. Lead me, guide me, and help me show Your love to others. Amen.
Copyright 2021 Tami Urcia
About the Author

Tami Urcia
Tami is a Western Michigander who spent early adulthood as a missionary in Mexico, studying theology and philosophy, then worked and traveled extensively before finishing her bachelor’s degree in Western Kentucky. She loves finding fun ways to keep her five kiddos occupied and quiet conversation with the hubby. Tami works at Diocesan and does Spanish/English translations and guest blogs.