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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: Luke 12:35-38


As the liturgical year begins to come to a close, our readings begin to point toward Jesus’ second coming. Jesus tells His apostles that the coming of the Son of Man will be like the master of the house returning after a wedding, giving the servants no notice of what time that could be. In Jesus’ day, wedding celebrations could last more than one day, so the master’s arrival was highly unpredictable.

Though Lent is the primary penitential season of our liturgical year, these closing weeks of the year offer another opportunity to consider the role of the Sacrament of Reconciliation in our life. Church teaching instructs that the faithful should be going to confession at least once a year. One of the reasons for this teaching was that early in the Church’s history people were choosing to wait until they were dying to receive the sacrament. They lived how they wanted, expecting the sacrament to work like a “get out of jail free” card.

The obvious reason for confession is to rectify our relationship with God by seeking forgiveness for our sins. Reconciliation also helps us to stay ready for Christ to come again. In reconciliation we receive grace to continue combatting temptation, to live holier lives and follow God’s Will. Each time we go to confession we continue to receive these gifts in abundance.

Jesus calls us to a constant state of readiness. He could come at any moment, unexpected and unannounced. As faithful Christians, we must be on guard against what will distract us from His coming. The best way to achieve this is through thoughtful, honest and frequent confessions.



When was the last time I went to confession? What is keeping me from receiving this power sacrament?



Dear Jesus, please draw me close to You. Give me the courage to confess my sins and grant me the grace to resist temptation as I await Your second coming.

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In reconciliation we receive grace to continue combatting temptation, to live holier lives and follow God’s Will.


Copyright 2020 Kate Taliaferro