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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: Luke 5:1-11


Most people are familiar with today’s Gospel story: Jesus telling Simon to let down his nets in deep water. Simon protests they’d been fishing all night with no luck but then obeys.

Sometimes God’s commands defy all logic. That nudge we feel to do something risky or foolish is easy to dismiss. Surely it cannot be God’s will for us. We protest too, recalling the times we tried and failed or the ridiculousness of the call. But if we comply—even if we protest a little first—God’s reward exceeds all reasonable expectations.

Simon and his companions are flabbergasted, but Jesus responds with a common Gospel refrain: do not be afraid. Then calls them in a completely different direction.

The most remarkable part of this passage to me is the fishermen’s reaction: they left everything and followed Him. Everything. What a show of faith!



Do I dismiss God's call because of past failures or because it seems ridiculous?



God, help me to hear Your call and answer with prompt obedience.

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Sometimes God’s commands defy all logic. #dailygospel

Daily Gospel 2


Copyright 2021 Carolyn Astfalk