Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.
Today's Gospel: Luke 9:1-6
Is it ever okay to quit? Today’s Gospel shows us that if we have done the work to which God calls us faithfully and with trust, then part of our work may involve surrendering what is left undone back to the Lord.
In the first part of the Gospel, Jesus sends the twelve out to proclaim the kingdom, and He equips them to accomplish the work by giving them authority and power over demons and to cure the sick. Jesus requires the disciples to put radical trust in Him because they are to take nothing for the journey.
Can you imagine embarking on a mission to cast out demons, cure the sick, and proclaim the Kingdom without any supplies? Jesus wants this same radical trust from us - trust that is courageous and complete.
Sometimes however, even when we trust God and do the work to which He calls us, we hit an obstacle that prevents us from completing the mission. In the disciples’ case, Jesus acknowledged being unwelcomed as an obstacle. If unwelcome, Jesus tells the disciples to “shake the dust from your feet in testimony against them."
We know that the Lord is not spiteful, so shaking the dust is not an insult, but it is a testimony of surrender. Shaking the dust emphasizes that our ability to do God’s work is finite. As we hear on Ash Wednesday, “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” What is dust is dead. The only one who can create something new from dust is God. Notice that God does not demand success. Instead, Jesus asks for trust (take nothing for the journey) and for surrender (shake the dust).
In your daily life, do you trust God completely? Is there something you need to surrender?
Lord, as we begin our work today, we put complete trust in you. Help us to know when it's okay to surrender our finite efforts to your holy will.
Copyright 2021 Elizabeth Tomlin
About the Author

Elizabeth Tomlin
Elizabeth is the author of Joyful Momentum: Building and Sustaining Vibrant Women’s Groups (Ave Maria Press), General Counsel for the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA, and director of stewardship for the Military Council of Catholic Women, where she previously served as the president and as director of faith formation. Elizabeth is a catechist and speaker, and blogs at JoyfulMomentum.org.