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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.


Today's Gospel: Mark 1:7-11

Nothing calms me like slow-lapping waves of water. I am fortunate to live near one of the nation's largest freshwater lakes. Lake Michigan has been a refuge for me - whatever I'm going through, being at the lake makes me feel calm, centered, and grateful.

We humans are drawn to water. We want to vacation by it, view it from our home, and construct roads that wind down its path. We swim, boat, sail, and surf in it. But more than recreation or a beautiful view, water sustains our bodies and cleans us. Like Jesus, we are baptized with water. It is life-giving. It is essential.

It's no accident that water is used repeatedly in the Gospels. Jesus went to the river to be baptized by John the Baptist. He calmed the seas and walked on water to remind the apostles He was who He claimed to be. He chose fishermen as his first apostles.

With Jesus, there are no coincidences.

Jesus is the Living Water. Faith in Him sustains us; His death on the cross cleanses us from sin and gives us eternal life. He is essential.




How does Jesus, the Living Water, sustain you daily?



St. André Bessette, on your feast day and every day, may your example of humble service convict our hearts to be servants to each other in Christ’s name.


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Jesus is the Living Water. Faith in Him sustains us; His death on the cross cleanses us from sin and gives us eternal life. He is essential. #DailyGospel

Daily Gospel 2


Copyright 2024 Cathi Kennedy