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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: Matthew 2:1-12

A star stirred the Magi's hearts to follow its guiding light to the Newborn King. This star illuminated their physical path towards the Radiant Light. We do not need to traverse afar to discover that same Marvelous Light. Jesus, present in every tabernacle of the world, can be easily found when we seek Him.

The star led the Magi to Bethlehem, a place whose name means "house of bread." Appropriate and no coincidence, as Jesus was born to be the Bread of Life. Even laid in a manger, a feeding trough, this beautiful symbolism should spark tremendous joy in those who still seek Him. God, who could have chosen to send His Son to earth in any way or stage of life, chose the humility of an infant. Jesus remains in the humblest of manners — in the Eucharist — under the guise of wine and bread.

The Magi came to "do him homage" and prostrated themselves upon entering His presence. A stark contrast to the mock homage the Roman soldier would offer during Jesus' Passion (Mark 15:19). The Wisemen's primary objective was to worship and adore Him, of whom they knew nothing but the foretelling of His kingship by the star. They were not merely relieved to reach their destination but were overjoyed when they came upon the place where the star rested. What homage do we pay the Lord, especially in the Real Presence of the Eucharist? Do we come in humble adoration, with head bowed and knees bent?

The Magi offered their earthly treasures in three symbolic gifts, leaving behind duties and responsibilities to give Jesus the most valuable gift of their time. Take heed of the Magi's holy lessons—seek first the Kingdom of God, pay Him due homage, and bask in His Glorious Light.




How will you schedule more time to spend with the Lord this year?



Jesus, may I always be one of the wise who seeks You—blessed, through grace, in our humility and faith, to recognize You present under the guise of bread and wine in the Eucharist—a foretaste of the heavenly promise of an eternity paying You homage.


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Take heed of the Magi's holy lessons—seek first the Kingdom of God, pay Him due homage, and bask in His Glorious Light. #DailyGospel


Daily Gospel 4

Copyright 2024 Allison Gingras