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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: Mark 16:15-18

Jesus’ admonition to go into the world and spread the Gospel can be intimidating at first read. Who am I that I can teach others about God’s message? Am I even qualified? Sometimes we ask ourselves these questions before speaking, writing, or saying anything about Jesus at all, as if we don’t know what we’re doing or question why God would pick us.

I felt this way when I converted to the Catholic faith, leaning heavily on Saint Paul to help me get rid of my impostor syndrome. I, too, felt that I may be unqualified to speak about the Catholic faith or even teach it. But I could hear Jesus’ call in my heart to take my love for Him and teach others. This was a call that I just could not ignore.

Like Saint Paul, I was qualified because of my love for God and His church and had experienced a conversion so profound my whole family converted with me! I was sent to teach CCD and RCIA, help lead retreats and write about my faith for many to read. And what did God want in order for me to do this? Simply an open and willing heart.

Today, on the feast day of the conversion of Saint Paul the Apostle, let us remember his bold witness and immediate turnaround when the Lord called Him. Saint Paul did not wait to begin preaching the good news, his heart was transformed and changed immediately. We can all follow Saint Paul’s great example, asking for his intercession and direction to send us where we will be the Lord’s most effective witness.




In what ways is God calling you to bring the Gospel message into the world?



God, I know that You have a special place for me where I can use my gifts and talents to deliver the Gospel message. Through the intercession of Saint Paul, help me to be bold and courageous in my faith.


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We can all follow Saint Paul’s great example, asking for his intercession and direction to send us where we will be the Lord’s most effective witness.

Daily Gospel 2


Copyright 2023 Melissa Presser