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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: Mark 5:1-20

Long before I became a mother, my parents had warned me about “The Terrible Twos.” It was a phrase used to describe the all-too-common meltdowns among two-year-olds. The way my parents described it, an otherwise angelic toddler would suddenly and quite unexpectedly change demeanor, screaming and thrashing about as if caught up in a tornado sweeping across a department store aisle, a supermarket entrance, or some other inconvenient spot.

As they waited for the storm to pass, my parents would patiently try to reason with the hysterical child, to no avail. The tyrannical toddler had her own agenda and could not be dissuaded.

I have to believe that Jesus looked on the demoniac with the eyes of a parent who knows that this, too, shall pass away. We hear from the Gospel that no one could subdue the troubled man—his strength was unmatched. There seemed to be no end to his irrational behavior, which included bruising himself.

But Jesus had compassion upon the man, miraculously driving out his demons. This tortured individual had a new lease on life, thanks to Jesus’ intervention. He proclaimed what Christ had done for him, and all that heard the news were amazed.

This episode from Jesus’ life gives us all hope. Whether we are contending with our child’s temper tantrums or battling our own demons, we need the relief that only God can provide. Jesus came to heal, to restore, and to strengthen.

Jesus offers each of us a new life—just as He did for the demoniac. Here’s hoping that, when times get tough—when the baby is crying, the heater is malfunctioning, and the ice is thickening on the sidewalk—we will cry out to the Lord and He, in His mercy, will hear and answer us.




What struggles can I turn over to the Lord today?



Loving Father, please bring healing and hope into my life. Make me a new person in Christ!


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Whether we are contending with our child’s temper tantrums or battling our own demons, we need the relief that only God can provide. #DailyGospel

Daily Gospel 2


Copyright 2024 Maria V. Gallagher