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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: Mark 6:7-13

Are you an over or under packer? For most of my life, I have been a over-packer. The person who packs both a sweatshirt and jacket, just in case. Enough socks for every day of the trip knowing the forecast is sandals weather. Slowly, I am working on letting go of this need for control. After all, laundry is always an option.

Jesus takes things to a whole new level with the disciples.

“Take nothing for the journey but a walking stick - no food, no sack, no money in their belts.” Mark 6:8

They were permitted a walking stick and sandals, their means of movement but not sustenance. Jesus is asking them to be totally dependent on others and on the providence of God.

They didn’t know the road ahead. If their past experiences with Jesus were any indication, it wasn’t going to be easy. The verses immediately before this reading depict how Jesus was rejected in Nazareth. His message was not always popular, and now the disciples were being asked to go out to preach it on their own. And with nothing to offer, by all worldly standards. Here is the catch - the world’s measuring stick is faulty. The world’s attachment to control leads nowhere. The disciples had seen the miracles and knew when people opened themselves to Jesus, He provided for their needs. Now it is the disciples turn to do the same.

Jesus extends the same invitation to us. I’m not saying I’m striving to pack nothing. However, even packing for a trip can be an opportunity to recognize that I am not ultimately in control of what comes next, no matter how many layering options I shove into my bag. Give Jesus the chance to take care of you, no matter where you head next.




Where is God asking you to lighten your load this week so you can better rely on His providential care and love?



Dear Jesus, open my eyes to the things I am clinging too tightly to. Help me to let go of one specific thing, person, or situation I would like to keep control over so that I can place it in Your care to do with it what You will.


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However, even packing for a trip can be an opportunity to recognize that I am not ultimately in control of what comes next, no matter how many layering options I shove into my bag. #DailyGospel

Daily Gospel 2


Copyright 2024 Kate Taliaferro