Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.
Today's Gospel: Matthew 20:17-28
Ah, the Sons of Thunder! Jesus gave this nickname to James and John, the sons of Zebedee, but it was their mother who asked Jesus to give them places of honor by His side. As I write this, I know that Season 4 of The Chosen has been filmed, and from behind-the-scenes clips, I know this passage will be included in this season (and might very well have aired by the time this reflection is posted). I can’t wait to see what new insight I will gain from their depiction.
In the meantime, this passage makes me think of Catholic social media influencers. As a Catholic author, speaker, and retreat leader, I follow a lot of my colleagues on social media. Some have much larger online presences and followings than I do; some have smaller ones. I find it so easy to fall into the trap of comparing myself to them. Yes, it’s good that I want to use the talents God has given me to serve His people, just as it was good for James and John to follow Jesus. However, I have to be careful not to make this all about me and my honor.
In 2023, documentary films on Hillsong United and the Duggar family (and the organization behind them) shone a light on how fame and power can distort our motives and twist our priorities. Several Catholic authors were quick to point out that this doesn’t just happen in Evangelical circles; it can happen in the Catholic Church, too. So how do we avoid falling into this trap? Jesus gives us an answer in today’s Gospel:
“Whoever wishes to be great among you shall be your servant; whoever wishes to be first among you shall be your slave.”
At all times, we must remember that we are here to serve one another, to be the hands and feet of Christ.
How is God calling me to be a servant to others, whether that's to my family, my parish, my neighbors, my coworkers, or strangers I meet throughout my day?
Lord, fill me with the desire to serve Your people, not for my sake but all for Your greater glory.
Copyright 2024 Amy J. Cattapan
About the Author

Amy J. Cattapan
A.J. Cattapan, DM, Ed.D., is an award-winning author, speaker, and teacher. Her YA novel Angelhood and her middle grade book Seven Riddles to Nowhere have won multiple awards. She is also the author of Sweet Jesus, Is It June Yet?, a book on combatting teacher burnout (Ave Maria Press). Follow her at AJCattapan.com.