Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.
Today's Gospel: John 14:23-29
In today’s Gospel, Jesus tells His disciples that when He leaves, the Father will send them an Advocate, the Holy Spirit. In terms of the Holy Trinity, I think the Holy Spirit gets pushed to the background fairly often. When people think of God, they don’t immediately think of a dove, the image most often used to depict the Holy Spirit. Instead, they usually think of either an elderly man (the way God the Father is often depicted) or a thirtysomething man with long hair and a beard (Jesus!).
However, the Holy Spirit is also God, and if you’re like me, you might often forget to ask the Holy Spirit for help. Over the last eight years or so, I’ve gotten a little better at asking for the Holy Spirit’s help. I’ll share two examples with the hope that they inspire you.
Eight years ago, I was on pilgrimage in Rome for the canonization of John Paul II and John XIII. Some of my pilgrimage group members and I got up early to try to get as close to St. Peter’s Square as possible. Most of them gave up and returned to our hotel. Determined to try my best, I pushed alone through the massive crowds in Rome muttering “Veni Sancte Spiritus (Come, Holy Spirit)” under my breath. After a few minutes, I found some of my other pilgrims among the crowd. We didn’t get into the Square, but at least I wasn’t alone anymore!
I’ve also used this prayer now when I teach. It’s a quick mental prayer I can offer up whenever I don’t know how to respond to a student or how best to handle a tricky situation. Whenever I’ve tried it, the Holy Spirit has come without fail with just the inspiration I needed.
How might I remind myself to call on the Holy Spirit for help throughout the day?
Holy Spirit, come to me now with Your aid. Be my guide and my inspiration this day.
Copyright 2022 Amy J. Cattapan
About the Author

Amy J. Cattapan
A.J. Cattapan, DM, Ed.D., is an award-winning author, speaker, and teacher. Her YA novel Angelhood and her middle grade book Seven Riddles to Nowhere have won multiple awards. She is also the author of Sweet Jesus, Is It June Yet?, a book on combatting teacher burnout (Ave Maria Press). Follow her at AJCattapan.com.