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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.


Today's Gospel: Luke 4:24-30

Today’s Gospel reminds me of how hard it is to let go of what you know about someone, especially someone you’ve known as a child. As my oldest daughter’s friends have started to get drivers’ licenses, I find myself full of doubt even in the face of the most responsible of teens.

Who is driving you? How long have they had their license?

While I haven’t succumbed to my thoughts of how these teens were starting kindergarten what seems like yesterday, I do struggle with the realization that these kids are now teens who are grown up: driving, working and soon will be heading off to college.

There is a shift in roles happening. I think about when my daughter hits that invisible adult mark and how I will struggle between wanting to tell her what to do and realizing that’s not my place anymore. There will come a time when I provide guidance (I hope), and she will make the decisions. It makes me wonder how I will handle the displacement I will feel when this shift occurs.

Will I be like the people in today’s Gospel who being told that Jesus, whom they knew as a child, played alongside, or had over for dinner, is the Messiah? Will I refuse to accept the new reality in front of me or will I recognize it as truth regardless of it making me feel uneasy?

When that day comes, my hope is I will recognize the gift of watching my daughter become an adult and instead of trying to hold on to who she was, watch her blossom into who God made her to be, unlike the people in the Gospels who missed the opportunity to rejoice about knowing Jesus as the Messiah.




How have I let past perceptions of someone limit how I see God working in his/her life?



Lord, help me never limit what You are doing in my life and the lives of those around me because of my own insecurities, pride, or judgment. Help me to have the faith that allows me to see the wonders You want to work in the lives of the people I know and love.


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There is a shift in roles happening. . . . It makes me wonder how I will handle the displacement I will feel when this shift occurs. Will I be like the people in today’s Gospel? #DailyGospel

Daily Gospel 2


Copyright 2024 Nicole Berlucchi