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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: Luke 6:36-38

"Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful. Stop judging and you will not be judged."

These words from Luke's Gospel stopped me in my tracks and changed my life forever. When I first read these stop-you-in-your-tracks admonishments, I considered gossiping my superpower.

Strangely, I believed gossip endeared me, empowered me, definitely delighted me, and gave my life purpose. I measured my popularity among other women by it, ironically seeking their respect through my wealth of small-town intel.

People found my gossip stories entertaining; at least, that is how I judged their laughter which followed my many stories around the bar after our PTO meetings. The conviction and utter panic, if I am completely honest, when I felt the Holy Spirit reveal through this verse that it was indeed time to leave this behavior behind surprised even me! I'd failed to recognize how closely I related the mastery of this so-called skill to my self-worth. I truly feared I would have nothing to talk about, nothing to share with people, and no one would be interested in including me in their social gatherings. Truthfully, it was nearly a deal-breaker for me to continue to pursue my then-burgeoning faith life.

I did lose friends and invitations, but the gains in my sanctification were far more valuable! As I refused to engage in gossip and learned how to gently but firmly move the conversation away from judging or condemning others, more people pulled away. Perhaps sharing this scripture as the reason for my change made others uncomfortable as their hearts, too, were nudged to change. However, no words were more convincing for staying my new course than those offered in the last line of today's Gospel selection,

"For the measure with which you measure will in return be measured out to you."




In what ways do you judge, condemn, or refuse to forgive others? Is this the measurement upon which you'd like to be measured?



How easily I forget my words' effect on others and my relationship with You, Lord. Guide my heart always to seek to treat others as I wish to be treated.


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As I refused to engage in gossip and judging others, I did lose friends and invitations, but the gains in my sanctification were far more valuable! #DailyGospel

Daily Gospel 2


Copyright 2023 Allison Gingras