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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: Luke 11:29-32

Do you ever read stories of great saints who had visions of Jesus and Mary and feel just a little bit envious? It’s a real struggle to know God’s will for our lives sometimes. We can pray, but there’s no obvious answer. We can consult others, but so often we are left wondering just what God is calling us to. We want certainty and clarity. It would be awfully nice if Jesus would appear, standing at our bedside in shining robes, to tell us just what He wants from us and for us.

But usually, God does not work that way. He invites us into deeper faith, not with dramatic signs and miracles, but with silence. He invites us into a stillness where we can grow in relationship with Him, and where our faith can grow in real ways. Where we can come to truly know Him and trust Him.

In today’s Gospel passage, Jesus reminds us of his simple invitation. He admonishes the people of his time for not recognizing Who it is that walks among them -- Jesus! God Himself has come to earth to teach them and to love them -- and yet they would prefer a better sign.

Jesus tells them:

“At the judgment the men of Nineveh will arise with this generation and condemn it because at the preaching of Jonah they repented, and there is something greater than Jonah here.” (Luke 11:32)

The “something greater” is Jesus himself, and He walks among us too. He is truly present to us in the world today. In the people He places in our lives for us to love and serve. In moments of joy and moments of pain, in the work we do, and in still, quiet moments of prayer. Jesus is with us. Let us not miss Him because we are looking for a flashy sign.



Where can I find Jesus today? In what small, quiet way is He waiting for me and inviting me into a deeper relationship with Him?



Lord, help me to see Your presence in every moment of this day. Open my eyes to see You and open my heart to embrace You in the small, quiet ways that You invite me to love You today.

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It would be awfully nice if Jesus would appear, standing at our bedside in shining robes, to tell us just what He wants from us and for us.

Daily Gospel 2


Copyright 2022 Danielle Bean