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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: John 14:1-6

Today driving technologies are incredibly sophisticated. All we need is GPS. We can even find alternate routes to save time and avoid backups or traffic delays. When we look at today’s Gospel verse. Jesus is preparing His disciples for His passion. He shares that His father has made a dwelling place for them and there is only one way.

“I am the way and the truth and the light.”

I love this verse because it reassures us that no matter what, if we continue to seek, even if we go off course, that Jesus is always there for us, He will return and redirect us. But unlike GPS, there is only one road we can take, even if we get thrown off course we must stay on the same path.

I love the humanness of Thomas to admit,

“Master, we do not know where you are going; how can we know the way?”

So often in life, we feel alone or confused and make decisions from pride, fear, or ambition. Jesus reminds Thomas that he already knows the path. “I am the way.” When we try to navigate this world alone, without asking for Jesus’ help, we might find success, but it’s temporary. It won’t fulfill our deepest yearnings. Jesus reminds us that we must travel back to the road. To truly know Him, we should avoid using GPS. Jesus is the only way. He never promises this road will be an easy one, but He does promise a beautiful dwelling place at the end. If we use our time now to stay the course, (“the truth”) He will direct us even when our path seems difficult.

No matter how many times GPS may redirect us, there is only one path to take, and we cannot get there without Jesus.




When was the last time you asked Jesus to help you navigate your path, even in the day to day?



Jesus, be my GPS because I can’t navigate this course without You. Help me to seek You and stay on the road, even if there are easier ones or I fall short on this one. Guide me and come get me so that I may come home to You one day.


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No matter how many times GPS may redirect us, there is only one path to take, and we cannot get there without Jesus. #DailyGospel

Daily Gospel 2


Copyright 2023 Andrea Bear