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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.


Today's Gospel: John 21:15-19

Jesus asks Peter three times if he loves Him. Three times confirming his love and devotion, which balances out the three times he denied Jesus. In a way, this can symbolize confession. Peter tells Jesus he loves Him three times, one “I love you” for each denial of Jesus, which becomes an act of contrition. After each “I love you,” Jesus gives Peter the task of leading His Church. This Gospel shows the power of forgiveness and just how involved God wants us to be in His church even when we make mistakes.

Throughout this scene, Peter is getting distressed because Jesus keeps asking him if he loves Him, to which Peter replies,

“Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you.” John 21:17

This response is something to consider. God does know everything. But does that mean we shouldn’t praise and worship Him? Does that mean we shouldn’t go to confession and ask for forgiveness?

This can also apply to our loved ones. You might believe that they know you love them, but how often do you tell them?

We can also apply this to parenthood. Do your kids ever ask you the same question repeatedly? During these moments that test our patience, we can think of Jesus saying,

“Feed my lambs.” John 21:15

We are fulfilling God’s role by taking care of our children, which can sometimes look like answering the same question and practicing patience with them. I, for one, am guilty of getting distressed like Peter at hearing the same question multiple times. This is where we need to choose to love. We “tend [Christ’s] sheep” (John 21:16) when we choose to love others and guide them to God. That is what Jesus was asking of Peter. And it is what He asks of us too.




When is the last time you told God that you loved Him?



Thank You for being an all-loving and forgiving Father. Help me to guide my own family closer to You.


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God does know everything. But does that mean we shouldn’t praise and worship Him? Does that mean we shouldn’t go to confession and ask for forgiveness? #DailyGospel

Daily Gospel 2


Copyright 2024 Michelle Nott