Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.
Reflection by Kathryn Mulderink
Today's Gospel: Mark 10:13-16
Jesus speaks with authority, yet is so approachable in his joy, sincerity, tenderness, kindness, and mighty calm that the young mothers and children come near to be touched and blessed by Him. They approach, confident Jesus will receive them, even as the disciples are rebuking them and trying to send them away.
“The Kingdom belongs to such as these.”
Why? We must distinguish between childlikeness and childishness: the childish refuse to grow up; the childlike mature and yet retain (or return to) the attitude of a child before a loving Father. That attitude is full of trust, wonder, joy, and love.
Childlikeness is the trust with which we reach beyond the limit of our self-reliance and self-assertion. It is the ability to wonder that is found beyond our demand for proof and explanation. It is the joy that is experienced when we let go of the questions and fears that hold us captive within the confines of our own skulls. It is the love we give freely beyond conditions, reasonings, and calculations.
“The Kingdom of God belongs to such as these."
Those whose hearts are transformed to be like the Son’s own heart by drawing near to Him so that they are full of childlike joy, wonder, and trust in the Father’s never-failing love and mercy. It is this loving trust and openness that frees us to accept the Kingdom of God.
In what ways have I resisted letting go of my desire for explanation and proof and surrendering to the truth of the Lord’s infinite love and care for me?
Mother Mary, you are the perfect daughter of the Father, trusting wholly that all things work according to His plan, no matter how difficult. Intercede for me before the throne of grace that I may also trust in His never-failing love for me.
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Do I approach the Lord with loving trust, wonder, and joy, as a child to a good Father? #DailyGospel
Copyright 2024 Kathryn Mulderink
Kathryn Mulderink, MA, is mother of seven, grandmother of eight, and president of the local Secular Discalced Carmelites. She has published five books. Over 30 years, she has worked in school and parish administration, and as a writer and voice talent for Catholic Radio. Currently, she serves the Church as a DRE, writer, and speaker, helping others encounter Christ.