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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: John 16:29-33

When I read today’s Gospel, I chuckled at what the disciples said to Jesus.

Now we realize that you know everything and that you do not need to have anyone question you.

Perhaps I chuckled because I have been the disciples many times in my life! It has taken me a long time to NOT question that Jesus knows best even if the road He takes me on isn’t the road I wanted to take. Perhaps questioning is part of our human nature, but to question Jesus shows my immaturity in faith, in my spiritual life, and in our relationship. This becomes even more clear when Jesus says,

In the world you will have trouble, but take courage, I have conquered the world.

This is the part I usually forget or want to forget--that trouble is inevitable.

Being a Catholic Christian doesn’t mean that there won’t be trouble--trouble with our family, with our children, with work, with our health. And the list can continue for pages. The key is to remember that Jesus commands us to take courage.

On my faith journey, taking courage was the hardest thing to act on, but I did it by the grace of God. It wasn’t easy and it still isn’t, but I know He is with me just like He told his disciples. He told them as He is telling us, and promising us, that

I have told you this so that you might have peace in me.

Peace doesn’t mean easy or not scary. He guarantees that He will be with us and guide us to His Will to be fulfilled no matter what that may be, but we must be obedient. Just like St. Joan of Arc didn’t plan to take France to battle as a teenager, we, too, will be led to battles of our own.

The key is remembering His promise that He is with us as His Father is with Him




When did you feel afraid of a circumstance in your life? How did Jesus lead you through it?



St. Joan of Arc, give us the courage to obey and follow God's plan for us.


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Being a Catholic Christian doesn’t mean that there won’t be trouble--trouble with our family, with our children, with work, with our health. #dailygospel

Daily Gospel 2


Copyright 2022 Elizabeth Estrada