Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.
Reflection by Virginia Pillars
Today's Gospel: Matthew 7:15-20
According to an online definition, a prophet is a person who utters divine inspiration, one gifted with more than ordinary spiritual or moral insight, one who predicts the future, or one who is a spokesman for a cause, doctrine, or group. During our Baptism, and again during Confirmation, we received the Oil of Chrism as we were anointed to be witnesses for Jesus Christ. According to the definition, this makes each of us a prophet.
In today’s Gospel passage, Jesus warns His followers to be aware of false prophets and avoid them. It compelled me to look in the mirror for some good, old-fashioned soul searching. In order to take personal stock, I have to know the difference between a false prophet and a good fruit-producing one.
A true prophet encourages others to take up their cross as Jesus did. Not for personal financial gain or fame, but as a sacrificial love. A prophet for Jesus illustrates true forgiveness, a tranquil feeling as they trust in the will of the Father. They live for others and for God, pointing others to Jesus Christ. Jesus tells His followers to look for the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control, faithfulness.
A false prophet leads others away from Him through a lackadaisical approach to living by their actions and words instead of how Jesus taught. Slow to show God’s mercy and forgiveness, they have a self-reliant attitude instead of a trust and dependence on God.
Knowing this, I ask myself, how am I doing as a prophet?
Do my words and actions give a true witness for Jesus Christ? Extend mercy and forgiveness?
These are questions worth pondering each day, every day.
Do my words as well as my actions point others to Christ as one of His true prophets?
Lord, thank You for Your forgiveness and mercy. Send me Your grace to live as You command as one of Your prophets.
Copyright 2022 Virginia Pillars