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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: Matthew 13:47-53

When we hear this Gospel, we often focus on the phrase “there will be wailing and grinding of teeth.” After all, the unpleasantness of that image is a definite attention-getter. But what are often overlooked are the net and the fish.

Consider what it’s like to fish with a net. Unlike fishing with a pole and a line, the goal of net-fishing is quantity. When a net is cast, it collects everything in its path indiscriminately. It “collects fish of every kind.” What does this tell us about the kingdom of heaven? Is God’s kingdom reserved only for select “fish”? Or is it open and accessible to any fish that are gathered by its “net?"

Today’s Gospel seems to be telling us how to build up the kingdom of God on earth. Instead of being selective, we’re called to spread the joy of God’s plan for our salvation to all the “fish” we encounter. We’re called to fish with nets instead of poles. Everyone we encounter has the right and the opportunity to become a part of God’s kingdom.

Salespeople will often say, “don’t say no for the customer.” In other words, don’t decide who will or will not want your product before you even offer it to them. The same is true for evangelization. We aren’t called to decide who is or isn’t interested, open, or even worthy of hearing about God and His infinite love and mercy. Our job is to spread the word and let the individual decide their response. Luckily, the job of judging the good fish from the bad fish isn’t ours. God and His angels will handle that part. Our job is to cast the net of the Gospel to the world.




Have there been times when I’ve held back in sharing the Gospel because I didn’t think a person would be receptive?



Lord, help me to fish for Your kingdom with a net instead of a pole. Give me courage and help me grow in trust of You so that I might better help build Your kingdom here on earth.


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When a net is cast, it collects everything in its path indiscriminately. It “collects fish of every kind.” What does this tell us about the kingdom of heaven? #DailyGospel

Daily Gospel 2


Copyright 2023 Laura Nelson