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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: Luke 14:25-33

Society used to set apart Sunday as a day of worship. Now, sports commitments, family commitments, employment commitments, and more dominate Sundays for most people. We tell ourselves that we don’t need to seek God in church, because He’s always with us.

Today’s Gospel poses a most difficult challenge – develop a spirit of detachment from all things. Detachment from all things is not neglect of our most immediate needs; rather, it’s creating a primary focus that is God-centered.

Through the example of the builder and the king, we see that there are important steps that we must take in order to fully live according to the gifts and talents that we have been gifted by God. We must be able to take the resources we have and put them to use as best we are able; eventually, though, we must cede our control and desires over to God’s will and allow Him to complete the task at hand according His timeline and plans.

We have been placed in our world, within our families, within our jobs, with God’s plan perfectly ready to help us enter eternal life. Yet, our holy men and women in the saints have spent their lives modeling what a spirit of detachment looks like – accepting the role of God as first in our life and accepting His will even when it’s difficult. Being able to look at our family and meet the needs of the family, while still prioritizing God as coming before all else, is a tough challenge, but one which we must accept in order to truly be Christ’s disciple.

Today’s Gospel reminds us that we are to first remember that God is our priority. To reach Him, we must place Him above all things and care for what He has given to us.




What areas of your life is God calling you to adapt a greater spirit of detachment?



Heavenly Father, we thank You for the wisdom of Your loving truths in the Gospel. Grant us the courage to live a life with You above all things and a spirit of gratitude for the life we lead oriented toward You.


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We are to first remember that God is our priority. To reach Him, we must place Him above all things.


Daily Gospel 4

Copyright 2022 AnnAliese Harry