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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: Luke 6:1-5

On a Sunday not too long ago, I heard my husband talking on the telephone to a man named Rodney. Now Rodney was a veteran residing in a veteran’s home. He was lonely and had a serious heart condition. The phone calls brightened his day. I asked my husband what prompted him to call Rodney.

“It’s in the Catechism.”

In the section on the third commandment to keep holy the Lord’s Day, the Catechism (#2185) encourages the faithful to perform works of mercy.

Charity is the essence of today’s Gospel reading. Jesus and His disciples are walking through a grain field. Our Lord knows that they are hungry, and He plucks grain and eats it. I am sure His friends were grateful for the food. He has relieved the hunger of His disciples. As usual, the Pharisees see this act of mercy as a violation of the Sabbath. In the next Gospel passage, Jesus cures the man with a withered hand. Once again, it occurs on the Sabbath. How do the Pharisees react? They are enraged.

Jesus is the Lord of the Sabbath and all-merciful. Follow His example. We can make each Sunday holy by even a small act of mercy. Visit or call a lonely neighbor or family member. Get out crayons and construction paper. Ask your children to draw colorful pictures for a grandparent. Drop an extra coin in the poor box at church.

Do these gestures sound miniscule? Not so. Every kind act builds the Kingdom, inch by inch.




Do you carve out time on Sunday for rest and small acts of charity?



Dear Lord, You have taught us that Sunday is a day to show our love for You and also to show kindness to our neighbors. Help me to extend the graces of Holy Mass in the spirit of charity.


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Copyright 2023 Kathryn Swegart