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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: Luke 9:57-62

“Oh, the places you will go” were the words I heard in my heart at my husband’s ordination. I, an adventurer by nature, was ecstatic. I replied, “I will follow you wherever you go!” To the bishop’s words to the deacons, “Go and proclaim the gospel,” I also assented. I felt like St. Francis when Jesus told him to re-build the Church.

It was a new chapter in our lives, and I was ready. I look back now on that day over a decade ago and laugh to myself. Do you ever think that you have arrived when you have only just begun? Immaturity mixed with enthusiasm when embarking on a new chapter of your life eventually leads you to a reality check, whether it is being a new mother, a new deacon’s wife, a new bride, or a new teacher. Pride goes before the fall. Take the journey first and be willing to learn along the way.

In hindsight, I realize I was not ready on that ordination day. I put my hand to the plow a little too soon, not knowing fully what the path God was inviting me to would entail. Leaving family, home, mother, and Christian community behind sounded so easy until God asked me to do it. Following Him wherever he led appealed to me as I gave my willing yes. I had no idea that I would become homesick and lonely. I had a bit of growing to do before I could fill the shoes of a deacon’s wife.

I guess you could say that God, in His mercy, saw my willing heart. He knows just how to help us grow. Let Him teach you and look back on your life and see the places you have gone. You will enter the “land of Christian maturity” just like St. Francis did.




Are you willing to take the hand of Jesus and trust that He will lead you to where He can best use you?



Dear Jesus, help us to trust You and willingly go to the places You lead us. Give us the grace to allow the journey to grow us into the person You called us to be.


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“Oh, the places you will go” were the words I heard in my heart at my husband’s ordination. I, an adventurer by nature, was ecstatic. I replied, “I will follow you wherever you go!” #DailyGospel

Daily Gospel 2


Copyright 2023 Ellen Morgan