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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Reflection by Margaret Ann Stomata

Today's Gospel: Luke 13:1-9

“If you do not repent, you will all perish as they did!”

Today’s Gospel hits me hard. It jars me with two facts I need to face but prefer to ignore: I am going to die, and it is possible that I could end up in hell. This earthly life is not my final destination. It is temporary, meant for me to prepare to live in my future “forever home.” Jesus wants that home to be with Him in heaven. But I can blow it. There really is a hell, and I am able to put myself there. How? By failing to repent of deadly sin and dying in that condition.

For some, death is foreseen with time to prepare. Others’ lives end abruptly: the Tower of Siloam collapses, the Titanic sinks, or terrorists strike. But whatever the circumstances, from death’s moment, the soul goes on living forever in the destination it has chosen.

I take comfort knowing that until I take my last breath, God, Who is rich in mercy will not cease helping me to choose well. For decades I put my soul in jeopardy, but Jesus led me back to one second chance after another in the sacrament of Confession. There, He unfailingly forgives my sin and heals my wounds. And like the gardener in today’s parable, Jesus seems to cultivate the very ground of my soul, mysteriously enabling my life to gradually produce better fruit as time goes on.




Are there facts in my life that I need to face but prefer to ignore?



Jesus, please help me make choices today that move me towards living with You forever in heaven. Help me schedule time to go to Confession if that is a need.


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Daily Gospel 2


Copyright 2022 Margaret Ann Stimatz