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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Reflection by Fr. Edward Looney

Today's Gospel: Luke 6:12-16

The celebration of Saints Simon and Jude offers us a moment to consider that Jesus called the twelve apostles. Before Jesus called the apostles, He spent the night in prayer. He wanted to ensure that He would invite and call those whom the Father wanted Him to call. As He spent the night in prayer, He most likely prayed for them individually because He knew everything about them. He knew their struggles and what they would face, and so even before He called them, He was praying for them and their success.

St. Jude was called and so was another Jude, whom we know as Judas Iscariot. Many were afraid to seek his intercession due to confusion with Judas Iscariot. This Jude answered God's call, and he now has become one of the most invoked saints in the Catholic tradition and patron of hopeless cases. Simon was called a Zealot, which was a militaristic movement opposed to the Roman government. Jesus calls him, and he becomes converted to the gospel of peace.

Jesus calls ordinary people. St. Luke and the other evangelists list all the twelve that Jesus called. This is the beginning story of the early Church. In other places in the Gospels, we get specific calls such as those of Peter, James, John, and Matthew. When called and invited by name, these twelve responded and followed Jesus, going where He went and listening to what He said. And now, in the year of our Lord 2023, we hear Jesus calling us. He reigns from Heaven, looks at each one of us, and now invites us by name to do what those early apostles did- to teach, love, and share the Gospel with those we meet. As He calls, will you say yes?




How does Jesus call me to be His disciple today?



Jesus, I know You are calling me right now to be Your disciple. Help me to say yes and to do what You are asking of me.


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Jesus prayed and called the twelve apostles. They said yes. And now, as His disciples, we are being called and must say yes too! #DailyGospel

Daily Gospel 2


Copyright 2023 Fr. Edward Looney

Fr. Edward Looney is a priest of the Diocese of Green Bay, president of the Mariological Society of America, author of several books, and host of the podcast How They Love Mary.