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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: Matthew 5:1-12a

“Maggie learned a new thing in pre-school,” my daughter, Kaitlin, informed me.

“What did you learn, Maggie?” I inquired.

Her pre-school teacher taught the class to “Keep your words in your mouth,” Maggie and Kaitlin replied in unison.

I was taken aback, at first. I was worried that Maggie’s cute little cheerleader personality would be silenced. To my credit, I did not let a word escape from my mouth. I just smiled.

As my week progressed, I began to see the teacher’s wisdom. I practiced saying the catchy phrase to my husband, to my adult children, and even to myself. “Keep your words in your mouth“ was my comeback when someone was griping, negative, angry, or too loud. It became a polite way of exercising self-control for all.

Virtue is to be cultivated not only when you are a wee child but all through your life. Knowing when to be still or when to speak up is an art many have lost sight of. One thing most saints had in common was a well-guarded tongue. The saints practiced the beatitudes, and they grew a harvest full of virtue.

I went before the Lord with a heart-wrenching question one day. “Lord, I have been a Catholic school girl, a charismatic, a contemplative, and more. I am so confused. How do I follow you, Jesus?

Immediately Jesus said, “Follow the saints!’’

Instantly, I understood. The saints were examples to all of being poor in spirit, meek, righteous, merciful, and clean of heart in their lifetime. They are very important examples for us, especially as our culture turns away from God.

Follow the saints, they lived the beatitudes. Their reward in heaven was great, and so will yours be.




How are you living the beatitudes, and are you teaching your children to do the same?



Dear Jesus, please help us to follow the example of the saints by living the beatitudes in our daily life and growing in virtue.


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The saints were examples to all of being poor in spirit, meek, righteous, merciful, and clean of heart in their lifetime. They are very important examples for us.


Daily Gospel 4

Copyright 2023 Ellen Mongan