Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.
Today's Gospel: Matthew 25:1-13
Sometimes when I approach Jesus in the Eucharist, I think that one day I will stand before Him in judgment. It is a thought that makes my heart shiver. Will I be ready? Will I be like the foolish maidens?
Here we read a parable about watchfulness. Five maidens are downright silly. Even I would not be so foolish as to bring an empty oil lamp to light my house. At midnight they hear the cry, "Behold, the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!"
Anxiety must have gripped their hearts. Desperately, they try to borrow oil from the wise maidens. Denied that, they rush out of the house to buy oil, missing the marriage feast.
Christian writers tell us that the lamp is Christian faith while the oil represents good works. We must prepare for our personal encounter with Jesus by loving God and neighbor.
Advent approaches. Watchfulness is the message in many Gospel readings. John the Baptist cried out, “Prepare the way of the Lord.” It is wise to shiver at the thought of Jesus’ Second Coming. Someday Jesus will surprise us and return on a cloud, as He promised at the Ascension. Who knows? It could be tomorrow.
How do I keep my heart open to the coming of Jesus in my life?
Dear Lord, help me to be like the wise maidens. May I keep my lamp lit through frequent confession and reception of the Eucharist.
Copyright 2023 Kathryn Swegart
About the Author

Kathryn Swegart
Kathryn Griffin Swegart is an award-winning author of Catholic books for children. Kathryn and her husband raised three children on a small farm in rural Maine. She is a professed member of the Secular Franciscan Order and contributor to Magnificat. Visit her website at KathrynSwegart.com.