Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.
Today's Gospel: Matthew 25:14-30
In today’s Gospel reading, Jesus tells a parable to illustrate how we are to use the gifts the Lord has given us. The three men in the story are each given different sums of money. Two of them make the most of what they have, but the third allows fear to overpower him and hides his small gift away.
How often do we look down upon the special abilities and graces God has given us? It’s easy to look at other people’s gifts and assume that our small contributions would be meaningless in comparison. For fear of not measuring up, we simply do nothing with our talents.
What we forget in these moments is that God isn’t asking us to do anyone’s work but our own. He does not ask everyone to do the same things, but He does call each of us to make the most of what we have, and we will be held accountable to Him for all that we do or fail to do. Therefore, we need to cultivate whatever talents we’ve been given, however small, and be prepared to answer for how we have used them when we someday see God face to face.
What special talent or grace from God am I neglecting? How can I put it to better use?
Lord, help me to see the value in the gifts you have given me and to use them for your glory.
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How often do we look down upon the special abilities and graces God has given us? #DailyGospel
Copyright 2023 Katie Fitzgerald
About the Author
Katie Fitzgerald
Katie Fitzgerald is a former children's librarian turned homeschooling mom. She and her librarian husband live in Maryland with their five children: three big sisters and a set of boy/girl twins. She blogs about homeschooling and reading at and writes short fiction, some of which appears in online magazines and print anthologies. Connect with her on Instagram @katiefitzstories.