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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: Luke 20:27-40

Ah, that uncomfortable question about marriage, death, and resurrection. Who is the husband at the resurrection? Who is married to whom? At first blush, these seem like reasonable questions—but if we re-read today’s Gospel passage, it becomes apparent that this is a carefully crafted question. Its purpose is not to query Jesus about marriage; rather, it is meant to confound Jesus about the resurrection of the dead.

The Sadducees did not believe in the resurrection of the dead. What better way to trick Jesus into admitting that a marital relationship between eight people in heaven is untenable. After all, one widow and seven husbands in the resurrection would certainly diminish the power and truth of the teaching.

But, fortunately, Jesus is God, and He deftly points out that the purpose of the Levirate marriage law is to continue the name of the deceased brother. If one lives forever in the resurrection, then there is no need to continue the brother’s line, since he will no longer be subject to death.

The Sadducees' question is effectively reduced to rubble, and their reaction indicates just how thoroughly they were routed.

“And they no longer dared to ask him anything.” Luke 20:40

Their disgrace must have been substantial!

It is interesting to note that scholars point to this scripture as a turning point in the Gospel. After this last humiliation, the religious leaders and scholars no longer attempt to dialogue with Jesus. Their only quest now is to put Him to death.

Of course, that was the plan all along; for little did they know that they were sending Him to that for which He came: to be the “First Born” of the dead.

Yes, God is the inventor of literary devices too; and that my friends, is cosmic irony.




If I had been in the crowd, what would my reaction have been to the dialogue between Jesus and the Sadducees?



Dear Jesus, remember me now and at the our of my death so that I may join You in the resurrection of the dead.


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Of course, that was the plan all along; for little did they know that they were sending Him to that for which He came: to be the “First Born” of the dead.

Daily Gospel 2


Copyright 2023 Sarah Torbeck