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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: Luke 21:34-36

Being prepared for the second coming of Jesus. Am I ready? Am I standing in vigilance? Or am I completely wrapped up with everyday life? This one hits home a little too hard today. I am completely wrapped up in the anxieties of this world in the current moment.

To say we were thrown a huge curve ball is an understatement. My youngest daughter was just diagnosed with covid. My fears have completely overtaken me.

Am I focused on Jesus right now? Nope.

I am focused on all our plans for the next several weeks that have been dropped. The birthday parties. The sports competitions. My lessons for my students. I have been busy handling all the logistics of quarantine  with three kids with activities and an upcoming birthday. I am also living with the anxieties of our family all coming down with Covid.

Not once have I been focusing where I should. I have attempted to handle everything in my own power. I have not stopped to pray for guidance. I have not stopped to cast my anxieties on our Lord and allow Him to fight this battle for me. Not once. If Jesus came back right now, He would find me focused on worldly things and not on Him. That is a shameful thing to admit.

But this passage reminds me to stop. To stop all that I am obsessing over and give it all back to God. To trust in His plan. To trust that He loves us. To trust in Him.




What in your life is causing you anxiety and keeping you from trusting God?



Dear Lord, help us to cast all our anxieties on You and faithfully follow You instead of living in fear.


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Being prepared for the second coming of Jesus. Am I ready? Am I standing in vigilance? Or am I completely wrapped up with everyday life? This one hits home a little too hard today.

Daily Gospel 2


Copyright 2022 Teri Sinnott