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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: Matthew 9:27-31

The reality of someone looking at us and really seeing us is a desire hidden in each of our hearts. The soul speaks without uttering a word. “Do you see me?” Whether at church, in the neighborhood, and especially at home, hearts are crying out to be known and loved.

As Jesus passed by two blind men, He paused to hear the hearts of these men crying out in desperation. Their faith touched Jesus’ heart as He placed His hands on their eyes saying,

“Let it be done for you according to your faith.”

A healing miracle occurred. It was at this moment that they saw each other for the first time. They saw Jesus. too, because He first saw them.

Imagine what it would be like to be blind and then to see? Even though I am legally blind, spiritual blindness is far worse. I had fallen away from the faith for a short time. I needed to run back to Jesus. I returned through the charismatic renewal. I was unsure if it was Catholic, so I brought my concerns to God. I prayed, “Open my eyes, Lord Jesus, and let me see.” He did just that! I felt His presence for the first time. I was never the same again.

How many of us are spiritually blind? We do not see, hear, or pray. We are not focused on Jesus. I used to pray, “Lord Jesus, help me not be so busy that I pass by the person in the pew with tears in their eyes.” What if their heart’s cry is “Do you see me?” Sometimes we fail to truly see someone, even at Christmas.

St. Nicholas’ eyes were focused on Jesus. His ears were attuned to Jesus’ voice. He saw a need and he met it. He lived the Christmas message.




Do you see Jesus in your family, in the church, or in the world? How does God want you to respond to them?



Dear Jesus, open my eyes so I can see. Let me never be the same again. Use me, Lord, to bring others to You.


Daily Gospel 2


Copyright 2024 Ellen Mongan