dudich_judyI recently had the privilege and honor of watching my son receive Jesus in the Holy Eucharist for the very first time.

The following day, I had the additional joy of watching his best friend do the same! At that same Mass, I had the great blessing of standing as godmother for that young boy's baby brother who was being dedicated as a Child of God!

The innocence and zeal of children often fills my heart to overflowing with happiness, gratitude, and love.

They are so close to Jesus! They are so trusting, forgiving, willing, faithful, joyful, adaptable, persevering, gentle, meek, genuine, and loving.

I can see why the Lord instructs us that we must "be like a child" in order to enter into His heavenly kingdom!

As I participated with all of my heart in the grand celebrations and reception of those Sacraments with my son and my young friends, something occurred to me.

That is this: Every day, every Sacrament, every moment, in fact, is cause for the same joy and rejoicing in which I was sharing at those moments! After all, it is the same risen Lord who is present and abiding in me each time I awaken for a new day of living!

Surely, witnessing the beautiful faith of a young child and the grace and purity of a baptized infant is reason for excitement, praise, and celebration. But isn't the gift of a brand new day, the love of the same Father in Heaven, the mercy, forgiveness, and blessing given to us even when we are not deserving reason for the same level of Christian happiness?

God Almighty humbled Himself and entered this earthly world as a helpless babe so that we might be saved from our sins and join Him in eternal bliss! Wow! That is cause for joy!

Jesus walked among His family, friends, and strangers; ate with them, worked with them, taught them, guided them, loved them, served them, healed them, mourned with them, and celebrated with them. He then lied down His very own life, innocent as a lamb, yet hung on a cross like a criminal, so that they and we could be ransomed from the bondage of sin, conquer death once and for all, and receive His gift of Salvation! Wow! That is cause for joy!

Jesus continues to remain with us in His True Presence of the Blessed Sacrament. He abides in us. He sends His Holy Spirit to comfort and guide us! Wow! That is cause for joy!

And so it is that God enlightened me as I shared in the Sacraments of three little children.

The gift that they received is real...and it is unending! It did not cease when we exited the pews, but rather, it came home with us and remains with us!

We are Christians! We are believers in Jesus Christ! We are children of God!

Truly, now and forever, at each and every moment, at every Mass, during every day, no matter the place, the time, or the situation: That is cause for joy!

In Christ,


Copyright 2010 Judy Dudich