Editor's Note: Thanks to Brian Pedone of AreYouCatholic.com for reaching out with this helpful information on a new connecting place for Catholics on the web. I hope you enjoy learning about and visiting AreYouCatholic.com. LMH

Diocese of Scranton First to Support Online Catholic Social Movement

Diocese of Scranton in PA is an early adopter of the site AreYouCatholic.com. The site focuses on bringing the world together one good deed at a time. The site currently reaches parishioners across the world and will be another medium for Catholic evangelization and faith sharing.

Scranton, PA April 4, 2011 – This just announced: AreYouCatholic.com, founded by a local serial entrepreneur, has been receiving positive feedback from the Diocese of Scranton. Early adoption of the site proves to be quite significant in the further spread of this Catholic phenomenon as it will be introduced to over 150 churches in Pennsylvania.

With the negative press at the forefront of the Catholic Church, entrepreneur Brian Pedone set out to begin a change in the culture. “Catholics do such great acts, but have recently been overshadowed by the negative actions of the few. Why not create a site where Catholics can post good deeds anonymously? This way they can lead by example, but not brag about it.”

AreYouCatholic.com is an easy way for Catholics to publicly and anonymously share what it means to be Catholic so others can be inspired.

AreYouCatholic.com is currently home to 16 Catholic Churches and over 175 Good Deeds to date. The churches are registered by a member from the church and currently represent the United States, Canada, and Africa. Plans are to get the site in the hands of the Catholic youth, Catholic missionaries, and Catholics across the world. The site is completely free and requires no login information.

Founder, Brian Pedone, is no stranger to startups or Catholicism. He is an active member in his church, the founder of a non-profit boxing gym, head developer in his software company, and was featured in 2008 BusinessWeek’s Top 25 Entrepreneurs 25 Years and Under.

For more information, please visit www.AreYouCatholic.com.