It is fitting that on Friday, November 11 we remember St. Martin on Veteran’s Day since he is the patron of soldiers. He was the Roman Soldier who shared his cloak with a poor man. Find a brief retelling of the life of St. Martin of Tours here.

Since St. Martin’s feast day falls before Advent, it has traditionally been seen as an end of harvest-type festival, before the penitential season of Advent begins. It was sort of like our Thanksgiving. St. Martin was also said to bring in winter. For us today, since we have a Thanksgiving coming around the corner, we can remember and celebrate St. Martin as Patron of Soldiers on this Veteran day and to remember his generosity. He truly was thinking of Christ when he gave his cloak to the poor man.

Something to Do:

Take part in a Veterans Day activity. Thank our Veterans for their service. And most especially pray for Godly decisions to be made by those who serve in the military now. Go to and download a picture of St. Martin of Tours to color.

Something to Pray:

St. Martin of Tours Prayer for Our Soldiers

St. Martin, you were first a soldier like your father. Converted to the Church, you became a soldier of Christ, a priest and then a Bishop of Tours. Lover of the poor, and model for pagans and Christians alike, protect our soldiers at all times. Make them strong, just, and charitable, always aiming at establishing peace on earth. Amen.

Find additional activities to live out the liturgical calendar with your family during November here.


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