Small Success Thursday Small Success Thursday

Today we count our blessings!

I know somewhere on the internet or in the email endless chain there is a picture of the word “Gratitude” with the explanation, God+attitude. Given that the focus of last week’s Gospel was the issue of envy and jealousy and how incompatible they are with being a disciple of Jesus, gratitude ought to be something that permeates our every day.

What I do know is not being grateful easily leads me down into the irritated angry trap of resenting the daily tasks that present themselves. I cannot love when angry. I cannot love if I resent serving. I can’t serve if I’m filled with something other than gratitude for the opportunity to love all these people. It sometimes annoys to know this, more so because the last fringes of wanting to feel entitled to being annoyed put up a terrific fight when I recognize how they hurt me in all things. To be a mom, to be a wife is to be humble, to serve, to love.

That’s not very politically correct I know, but it still remains the truth. We should want to serve our children. We should want to make our lives a hearth for those we love, and no matter what we do in our lives, we cannot love anyone we resent. So we must be grateful, and to be that, we must be humble, we must love enough to be willing to serve.

So this week, I have been seeking to be grateful, to recognize and not merely count my blessings, but be thankful and joyously so, for the gifts of all these people to love, all these people to serve.

This week:

1) Went on a date to a baseball game with my husband and the two youngest children. It was a blast, even though it was work to get there.
2) Made it to about 15 minutes of adoration and reconciliation.
3) Began reading a new book and started a list on the refrigerator with the kids of all the books we read. We’re going for 1000 books in a year.
4) Made time to go visit a friend (unscheduled), and made it happen.
5) Finished moving dressers upstairs. Now tackling the reshifting of laundry. (ugh).

Now it’s your turn!

Leave your list on your blog and list your blog in the comments or leave your small successes in the comment section itself and thanks for being part of Small Success Thursday!

Copyright 2012 Sherry Antonetti