Juggle Without Struggle Juggle Without Struggle

Today, I am very happy to share that this month our work at CatholicMom.com is being supported by a new advertiser, the beautiful new book Juggle Without Struggle: 5 Secrets, 4 Weeks, 9 Minutes to Inner Peace. Today's launch of author Peggie O'Neill's book is intentional -- as we celebrate All Souls Day, Peggie's loved ones wanted to honor her life after her courageous battle with lung cancer in 2011, but more importantly to share with the world Peggie's fictional account of the five secrets that changed her life (and can change ours too!).

Here's a small blueprint:

Juggle Without Struggle unfolds the stories of 4 women, all on very different and uniquely difficult journeys.  Every reader can find themselves inside these pages.  This book is fictional story and a spiritual "self-help" tool about friends that share their troubles and ‘secrets’ to finding inner peace.  This includes a walk through 5 steps to improve one's blind trust in God in learning a new way to “let go and let God” by investing a small amount of time daily  in various prayers, meditations, positive thinking, and journaling. The process of practicing the 5 secrets has proven to be life changing.   The Five Secrets revealed in the book are:

Peggie O'Neill, author of Juggle Without Struggle

1)  Praise God in all things
2)  Embrace every moment as a gift from God (even the bad ones)
3)  Appreciate your abundance
4)  Choose to Forgive
5)  Encourage othersThrough the 5 secrets revealed in the book the reader is shown a way to find inner peace and a way to permanently transform their lives in only 4 weeks by committing 9 minutes a day to the “Peace Process”.

This month, I ask you to support our sponsor Juggle Without Struggle and to share this remarkable resource with a friend. I'll be reading the book and sharing my impressions with you. Visit www.JuggleWithoutStruggle.com and be sure to "like" them on Facebook.

Copyright 2012 Lisa M. Hendey