Editor's Note: We apologize for missing posting a few days. Our editorial team (Sarah Reinhard, in this case) got a bit "confused" about "dates" and "how close Christmas really was" and may or may not have induced panic in herself. :) (Maybe you didn't even notice because of your own holiday responsibilities!) --SR

We continue our journey through salvation history with our Jesse Tree.

The theme for Day 18:

jesse18Jesus is Lord

Read the readings for Day 18 at Domestic Vocation.

The theme for Day 19:


Jesus is the Flower of Jesse

Read the readings for Day 19 at Domestic Vocation.

The theme for Day 20:


Jesus is the Key of David

Read the readings for Day 20 at Domestic Vocation.

The theme for Day 21:


Jesus is the Radiant Dawn

Read the readings for Day 21 at Domestic Vocation.

Find directions for making your own ornaments, the history of the Jesse Tree, and much more at The Jesse Tree at Domestic Vocation.

Copyright 2012, Christine Johnson