Celebrate First Sacraments…Every Year!
I think the celebration of First Sacraments shouldn't be limited to JUST the actual event, but should be celebrated annually as an anniversary! I think it makes sense to celebrate all the First Sacraments received by all or most of the family members within the same month, each year!
Obviously, Baptisms occur all year round and offer a wonderful opportunity to scatter special celebrations across all of the months, along with family patron saint feast days.
First Reconciliation seems to fall in February (during Lent) in our Diocese. Take advantage of Reconciliation times at Church…and make a special trip with the family, giving all those who are old enough an opportunity to go to Confession! Celebrate after with a special treat!
First Communion often happens in April (in the Easter Season) in our Diocese, and Confirmation happens in May or June after Pentecost.
Weddings often fall in the summer months and warrant special celebrations, especially as couples within family and friends reach special milestone years.
Do you have any priests or nuns in your family? Priest ordinations often fall in May or June, probably linked closely with Pentecost. Celebrate their dates of ordination or final vows. Send them a card if they're not celebrating with you!
November is already a special month to remember our loved ones who have passed away (and likely received the Anointing of the Sick), but keeping the actual dates on a perpetual calendar can remind us to offer our special prayers for our loved ones.
Check the dates of your family Sacrament dates! (I found mine on our previous FRIDGE CALENDARS and recorded them in our Catholic Family Calendar.
There are lots of easy ways to make store-bought desserts reflect the Sacrament celebration! Check out our FREE Sacrament Celebrations Cake Toppers PRINTABLE illustrated with Kelly Comics, created by our daughter when she was 11 years old! You will recognize these familiar faces in our Hand in Hand with Jesus Faith Journal, along with our Journey with Jesus through the Sacraments Scrapbooking kits. Customize your Sacrament Cake Toppers, by recording the actual dates of First Sacraments...in your family!
FREE Sacrament Celebrations Cake Toppers PRINTABLE: With templates offering 24 full-color Cake Toppers filled with Kelly Comics illustrations of the Sacraments and a child's journey with Jesus, you can easily customize a store-bought cake or cupcakes or the dining table to the Sacrament theme for the month! Check out our recent Sacrament Series posts: Sacrament activities to actively celebrate these special moments of Grace: Journal the Sacraments and Scrapbook the Sacraments! (additional FREE printable available!)
Check out the Sacraments Cele-LINKY! Add your family ideas for celebrating Sacraments and pick up some new ones like Baptism and First Communion cakes, cupcake toppers, Reconciliation prep and activities, Gifts of the Holy Spirit crafts!
Dig out the family photos of these events to decorate the table or make a sign listing the Sacrament candidates for that month. Sift through your Sacrament records and record the dates in a perpetual calendar for easy reference, year after year! You might be surprised to see the overlap of dates across other family birthdates and milestones.
Hey, we have a craft for that! Check out the Catholic Family Calendar!
Cultivate Catholic family culture, by remembering these wonderful events of God's Grace...throughout EVERY year. Be inspired to pursue the Holy Spirit and develop in virtues, gifts and graces! Build momentum for our ongoing Sacramental life, receiving Holy Communion and Reconciliation regularly as a family!
Copyright 2013 Monica McConkey
About the Author

Monica McConkey
Monica, mom of 5, blogs about Catholic crafts and family traditions at EquippingCatholicfamilies.com. She is an author and creator of Super Saints quizzing cards and over 45 Saint, Sacrament, Catechism and Prayer-packed Craft Kits to help teach the Catholic Faith. The Catholic teaching tools and gifts are available through Arma Dei, the Catholic family publishing company founded with her husband Bill.