Partner with your Parish Catechetical Program Partner with your Parish Catechetical Program

It is the time of year when most families have their thoughts focused on back to school.  Where I live most schools start mid-August, some places start before and some start after Labor Day.  Catechetical programs to pass on the Catholic faith are also starting, with Catechetical Sunday on September 15.

Most catechetical programs need help.  My challenge to you is to offer before you are asked.  Why you?  Because I suspect that if you take the time to read about your faith, you are or would like to be an active Catholic in your parish.  As a director of faith formation I find two things irresistible in parents.  Offers to help with “anything you need” and prayer.  When I meet parents who are registering for classes and they want to help, I make note of it and then when I need help, I call them.  Don’t be afraid to say what you can and will do and set limits.  If you cannot be a catechist because you have little ones to care for but are willing to shop or sit at a welcome table and direct people, that’s great.  Putting together classes requires more than having catechists so tell the person in charge how you can help.

The other offer to make is prayer.  All catechetical programs need prayer.  Prayers are needed for everyone participating, parents, sponsors, for those who are catechists and assistants and of course for those who administer the programs.  If you committed to pray for your parish’s program and then sent a note, signed or not, that would bring a smile to any director’s face.  If you’d like to take it a step further offer to organize prayer partners for each class and catechist.

If I think about all the events, retreats, classes, talks, and liturgies I have worked on through the years I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that the ones which borne the most fruit where those covered in prayer.  Take a step forward and offer.

Copyright 2013 Deanna Bartalini