You know what scares me? The thought of going back in time and being single.


When I was single and "free," I wasn't Catholic. (So, arguably, I wasn't free at all.) And when I became Catholic, I was pretty committed to the guy I married.


So I look with a special sort of admiration (and with a special place in my prayers) to those young men and women who are out there "fighting the fight." Among those I admire is Molly of Single Catholic Girl.

Go over and click around. Not only is the site a beauty to behold, but it reveals a tender heart and a deep faith that can do nothing less than inspire your mother's heart. I not only want all the young women in my life to take Molly's lead, but I find myself changed by my exposure to her.

This is a young adulthood I did not have. I regret that, but there's not a whole lot I can do except offer that back to God to use and redeem...AND I can point ALL OF YOU to Molly.

Oh, and I can share the interview too, huh? :)

Tell us about your blog in five words or less.

My site is Catholic, happy, fun, encouraging, and connecting.

single catholic girl screen

Why did you start blogging?

I was working as a campus minister and realized that many young women in
the church are looking for guidance after graduation. How do I find a job?
Where do I live? Should I online date? Etc. etc. I know that there are
countless women out there with the same questions I had and similar
struggles. My hope is to encourage other women in their journey while
sharing some insight into making it as a single girl in this crazy world.

Why do you keep blogging? What's your inspiration to continue?

The feedback and emails that I receive are an encouragement and are a
testimony that this site is really needed. I would like to spend more time
on it, especially reaching out to others.

When you think of the New Evangelization as a Catholic blogger, what excites you? What makes you want to continue?

I love evangelization! My site is geared more towards those who are
already walking with Christ; however, it does offer guidance along that
walk. Plus, you never know who else you might be reaching.

What's the most rewarding aspect of your blogging?

The emails I receive from women across the country sharing their stories
and asking questions.

In your spare time, what are we likely to find you doing?

I love to be outside, hiking, out on the water, running, skiing, really
anything as long as I am in nature! I also enjoy traveling and exploring
new places.

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Copyright 2013 Sarah Reinhard