Honor Your Inner Monk (Android Review), produced by Saint Meinrad Archabbey


This may be the first time I’ve ever read the entire ‘About’ section of an app.  It was so witty and well-written, I found my AD/HD brain riveted until the last word.  I completely agree with the thought behind providing this type of app, and I applaud them tremendously for being able to offer it FREE – that is an enormous and generous commitment (says the now “entrenched in the app development world” newbie).

What they (at Saint Meinrad Archabbey) believe*:

  • All Christians have an "inner monk".
  • We each possess a part inside of us that wants to develop a relationship with God.
  • Prayer is key.
  • Prayer needs to be frequent and regular.
  • Monks pray a lot (lucky ducks!).
  • Monks recognize people outside the walls of monasteries can’t pray as often or sometimes as long as monks, but they still REALLY need to make time to pray!

*This list was abridged, paraphrased and sometimes – to be honest – was straight out copied from the ‘About’ link on the Honor Your Inner Monk Android App.

It functions very simply with a Morning Prayer button and an Afternoon Prayer button.  When you select the time of day you are currently praying, it opens a daily very succinct prayer.  When you are finished reading, you then select “Amen” and are thanked for praying – and it even keeps track of how many days in a row you’ve prayed either of the daily prayers!

Brilliant really – simple, straightforward, thought-provoking, and free.  A truly winning combination for helping to win souls to the art of prayer and into a deeper relationship with God!

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Copyright 2013 Allison Gingras