I was excited to be asked to read and review Blessed By Less: Clearing Your Life Of Clutter By Living Lightly by Susan V. Vogt. The title grabbed my interest immediately. Admit it. Which one of us couldn't stand to purge some of the the things we hold on to for no particular reason?
The book jacket says,
Blessed By Less offers encouragement and inspiration for all who are burdened down by 'things' in their homes but don't quite know how to begin the process of letting go.
That describes where I find myself perfectly. I look around my house and know many things can and should go but where do I begin?
In reading the book, however, something else struck me. Vogt convinced me that it is actually my responsibility to do so.
Rather than making readers feel guilty for all the stuff they've accumulated, Susan gently nudges them to see all that they have to gain- physically, emotionally, and most of all spiritually- by living lightly.
I now look at the books, toys, blankets. shoes, clothes, and other "clutter" and see a moral obligation. I think of all the people who could benefit from the things my family has no use for or ignores.
This book caused me to pause and consider the excess in my life. I discussed some of Vogt's insights with a friend and coworker. We decided to use its principles as a Lenten project for the eighth grade students at our Catholic school. We will ask the children to bring in one thing they no longer need or use for each day of Lent. Then the students will donate all of the collected items to suitable charities. The project can be attributed to this book.
The book was certainly thought-provoking. I am glad it will be on my shelf for years to come to remind me to declutter and think of others.
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Copyright 2014, Ellen Toole
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