Words have meaning and power, which comes as no surprise to those of us who use them.  Like so many bloggers out in the blogosphere, I like to choose a word as my own for the year.  Last year my word was “dream” because I had stopped and wanted to dream again about the future and possibilities.  This year my word is TRUST.

We are studying the book of Isaiah for the next few months.  In spending time in preparing the first lesson I did some reading and research and was struck by how often both in Isaiah and in the commentaries Isaiah’s belief in and absolute trust in God’s plans was mentioned.  Not only did he have absolute trust, his message is that all the people needed to trust in the same way and would be rewarded for this fidelity to God.

I still was not sure this would be my word, but it sat there in my head with other possibilities.  It was during our discussion that the neon sign started to flash.  One woman kept going back to trust as the response God is asking of us.  Then in conversation, I told a friend I was worried about something and she said couldn’t understand why.  She was right; there really was no reason to worry so I just said it was in my genetic make-up to be a worrier.

"If I worry I am not trusting, am I?" said the voice in my head. (Oh come on, you have them too, don’t deny it!) At that moment my word was chosen: TRUST!

Not only do I take this as meaning trust in God but also to trust myself and my abilities.  This past year I have learned many lessons and grown more comfortable with who I am and being the person God calls me to be.  This year I want to stop worrying and trust more in the One who has given me everything and wants what is best for me always.

Did you choose a word for this year?  If not a word, an area that you want to work on?  What is it?  Let’s pray for each other as we grow in 2014.

Copyright 2014 Deanna Bartalini