The Fruit of Prayer and Flower 11x14 with signature

Jesus IS Risen! We made it through the desert of Lent and now can arise with Him and celebrate new life in Him. Like the flowers popping out of the ground, soon we’ll see the fruits of our Lenten sacrifices shoot out and bloom.

In the same way that we made Lenten resolutions, it’s just as important – if not more – to let those sacrifices mean something and set New Easter Resolutions and we celebrate how God “makes all things new” in our lives.

This Lent, I focused on loving my family and serving God in the little ways and I’m starting to see all the precious fruits the Holy Spirit has been able to sow from that. My love for serving God by serving my family has been rekindled with a renewed enthusiasm and I once again remember that My Family IS My Passion!

With that, here are my New Easter Resolutions to help cultivate and nourish what the Holy Spirit has planted in my soul this Lent:

Live life passionately.

Love my husband deeply, intensely, and profoundly.

Dedicate myself to serve our children JOYFULLY.

Serve God by serving my family in every little way I can, making sure not to see my marriage or family as an obstacle but as THE path to service.

Show the same love and care I give when I volunteer for others and strangers with my family and friends also!

Wash dishes, laundry, housework, as if I’m really working for a brilliant billion-dollar industry or for someone else “super important” - because I am. My family is worth more than any company and my God is more important than any boss. Teach kids to do the same.

Cultivate my interests, talents, and hobbies and take care of my health (mind, body, soul) as a part of serving my family and teach them to do the same.

Work hard, set goals and plans, and be willing to alter these goals with current circumstances and be flexible to adapt to new situations, environments and dynamics.

Don’t stress so much about the little things or even the big ones. If it won’t matter when I’m 90, I don’t need to freak out about it now.

Do “little tings” with GREAT Love – FOR REAL!!!

What about YOU? What New Easter Resolutions will you make?

Copyright 2014, Erika Marie