
Today's Gospel: John 6:1-15

Meals are such an important part of life, and we find Jesus involved with food and meals so often in the Gospels. Today's is one such instance.

People are drawn to Jesus, and they follow him, not thinking of practical things like lunch. Jesus, however, does think of it. And he points it out to his disciples, who must have been more than a little befuddled.

Here's a guy who can cure lepers and make storms stop in their tracks, and he's worried about lunch?

For me, in the season I'm in of feeding people on an almost hourly basis (do they ever stop eating?), there's an unmistakable lesson here. This responsibility of mine is no small matter. Jesus himself had to feed a bunch of people lunch.

In feeding others, I can unite myself with the work Jesus did. Don't get me wrong: I'm not making myself Jesus, not by a far measure. But I can let go of the feeling of burden, of the insinuation of boredom, of the desire for more, and embrace what's here, now. I can smile and make the very act of cutting a sandwich in portions into a prayer of thanksgiving.


What can I do today that will feed another? How can I make this action into a prayer that unites me to Jesus and what he would have me do?


Jesus, help me to trust you and keep an attitude of grateful cheerfulness as I go about my daily work of feeding others, however that plays out for me today.

Copyright 2014 Sarah Reinhard