Streaming_300x250 (1)SAN FRANCISCO, June 11, 2014 – Ignatius Press has good news for people who enjoy their high quality, family friendly, faith-filled Christian films: now 42 of their most popular films can be watched instantly online via video streaming.

These streaming films are available for a one week rental at a reasonable price ranging from $1.95-$3.95. The selection currently offered includes quite a variety of videos, from entertaining, epic feature films to fascinating documentaries which explain important aspects of the Catholic faith.

Some of the feature films now available include: Mother Teresa starring Olivia Hussey, Padre Pio: Miracle Man starring Sergio Castellitto, Pope John Paul IIstarring Jon Voight, Clare and Francis starring Mary Petruolo and Ettore Bassi, and St. Rita starring Vittoria Belvedere and Martin Crewes.

Documentaries are also available, such as the popular Footprints of God series hosted by Catholic speaker Steve Ray, and Cosmic Origins produced by Robert J. Spitzer, S.J. Other popular documentaries include Archbishop Fulton Sheen: Servant of All, Love is a Choice: St. Gianna Molla, and Ocean of Mercy, which tells the powerful story of St. Faustina and the message of Divine Mercy.

Ignatius Press plans to expand their video streaming selections and will continue to make more films from their extensive collection available for video streaming.

Anthony Ryan, Director of Sales and Marketing for Ignatius Press, explains, “Ignatius Press has been blessed with many great films, both feature films and documentaries, that have been very popular on DVD. We expect them to continue to be strong sellers on DVD, but we are now making them available as well via video streaming to give these inspiring films a chance to reach a wider audience and make a greater impact on people's lives and on our culture.”

For more information about streaming films and to view the entire collection that is now available, please visit: