If you've ever wished for an alternative to Girl Scouts or wished for a character curriculum for young Catholic girls, I'd like to introduce you to the Little Flower Girls Club.
The Little Flower Girls Club is an organization for Catholic girls from ages 5 and up. Like other programs, girls can earn badges for completing activities of virtue. There are 4 wreaths of study and each wreath has 10 flowers, or virtues. Through the catechism, the saints, the bible, and even virtue stories, they learn about things like patience, love of neighbor and obedience.
To earn their badges they have to do several activities of their choice from a list including memorizing bible verses. They can earn medals by going above & beyond and doing special service projects. There are songs, crafts and projects in the various leader manuals and a web search will show the genius of other club leaders. And many chapters have a tea party at the end of each year.
Even if you don't have a chapter nearby, the Little Flowers Girls Club books would be a good character study with practical applications. They also have programs for boys as well as girls who have outgrown or completed Little Flowers Girls Club. Visit Behold Publications to find out more.
Copyright 2014, Jen Steed
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