
So I survived fair week (and look! the laundry's still there!). It was my first year as a 4-H mom (as opposed to a 4-H advisor, participant, or just a nosy aunt).

I did actually get a chance to read some while I was sitting outside the horse shows (we didn't take a horse, but we watched a lot of the shows) and even in the barn. This list, though, represents reading I've done over the course of a couple of weeks.

And oh! The glories of this summer of reading, lemme tell ya!

Weekly Book Talk -

Recent Reads


The Watson Chronicles: A Sherlock Holmes Novel in Stories, by Ann Margaret Lewis (fiction, Gasogene Books, 2012)

My rating: 5 out of 5 stars

A book I loved so much I wasted no time blogging about it at the Register. Great, great reading. This wasn’t just a good summer read, but a book to share and keep on the “gifts to give” list. Highly, highly, HIGHLY recommended.


Tobit’s Dog: A Novel, by Michael Nicholas Richard (fiction, Ignatius Press, 2014)

My rating: 5 out of 5 stars

I love the book of Tobit and I read it many years ago, sitting in Adoration as a new Catholic. And I wondered why in the world you would cut such a brilliant adventure story from the Bible.

Tobit's Dog is a modern retelling of the Bible story, but it's not shoved down your throat. In fact, it's subtle and funny and clever. I enjoyed it so much I won't be giving it away (and my best friend already bought her own copy), and I may be rereading it, too.

There were some viewpoints in this novel that were refreshing, yet challenging. I'd love to see this book on a required reading list for a high school, because there are layers in it that would be great to explore in a classroom. That, and it's just plain awesome writing. Yeah


Seven Saints for Seven Virtues, by Jean Heimann (Servant Books, expected publication 2014)

My rating: 5 out of 5 stars

What Jean Heimann has masterfully done in this book is something that you'll value more with each rereading...because yes, this is a book you will reference and revisit and reread. Not only is it a lesson in the virtues, but it's a close-up of seven saints who are, all too often, distant and "perfect" to those of us who struggle in the pews. This is a book for everyone, whether you're new to the faith, an old hand, or just wondering where you fit in.


The Rosie Project, by Graeme Simsion (fiction, Simon & Schuster, 2013)

My rating: 5 out of 5 stars

I read this because Julie and Scott said it was great, and their discussion intrigued me.

Oh. My. Word. What a book! First, it's entertaining and hilarious. Second, it's insightful into those highly analytical Asperger's types. It is beach reading, but I don't hold that against it (and neither should you). I'm going to be pre-ordering the sequel (so that should tell you how much I loved it).

Current Reads


The Leaves Are Falling, by Lucy Beckett (fiction, Ignatius Press, 2014)

OK, so yes, I'm on an Ignatius Press fiction kick this summer, it's true. But oh! These are some REALLY GOOD BOOKS!

This is more a literary read, I think (though I'm bad at the genre thing). It's set in post-World War II England and centers around a young Jewish boy/man who survived the war.

The storytelling is amazing, and I'm pretty sure I can smell the things this author writes about. I can't wait to curl up with it tonight!


King of the Golden City: An Allegory for Children, Study Edition, by Mother Mary Loyola and Janet P. McKenzie, OCDS (fiction, Little Way Press, 2004) (For the Catholic Spiritual Direction book club)

Confession: I'm not such a fan of allegory. I tried to read Pilgrim's Progress and failed miserably. (Then again, I was okay with Narnia. So maybe it's a stylistic issue I have...)

This book is...okay. I'm reading it a chapter a day (because otherwise I'll whip through it and just roll my eyes, which I feel isn't fair to the fact that the book club picked it). And when I stop to think about it, I can see the value. I haven't tried reading it aloud to my children (which is what it's intended for, I gather), but maybe I will. And maybe they will like it. We'll see.

What have YOU been reading lately?

*Are you on Goodreads? I'll see you there!

Curious about what my ratings mean? Here's an explanation of what the stars mean to me.

Be sure to check out our Book Notes archive.

Copyright 2014, Sarah Reinhard