Editor's note: Today, we welcome a guest post from our friend Nissa Gadbois, who shares about a beautiful project created by her family to aid families who seek to adopt children. Continue reading below to learn more about Mission: Adoption. Lisa
Many families feel a call to adopt, but find that the associated expenses are more than they can budget. In addition to the direct adoption expenses, many families will need to expand, improve, or modify their homes, purchase equipment, hire specialists or therapists for their child, or plan for medical care for a child which are not fully covered by their insurance. Mission: Adoption was created to help families to raise funds for all of those things, and more.
Crowdfunding has become a very popular way of raising funds for any number of projects. Unfortunately, there are so many wonderful projects on larger websites that it can be difficult to be seen. There are wonderful fundraising sites for adoption, but they require completed a home study, or other documentation that the family is already in process. Mission: Adoption was developed as a dedicated platform exclusively for adoptive and pre-adoptive parents, to help them with traditional adoption expenses as well as many other adoption-related expenses that other fundraising avenues can’t.
Setting up a fundraiser, what we call an Adoption Mission Campaign, is very easy. When a family visits the site, there is a link to “Fund Your Adoption Mission”, they will simply fill in the form, upload their video and/or photos, a description of their needs, set a funding goal, time frame, and submit their campaign for approval. Once approved and published, campaigns can be shared via a variety of social share buttons. We also offer some tips for helping families succeed in their funding goals. When the campaign ends, we subtract a 5% fee and forward the remainder directly to the family.
About us:
We are Dn. Brian and Nissa Gadbois. We have been around adoption for many years, and struggled financially to answer the call to adopt. We have hosted and advocated for waiting children, supported others in their adoptions, and have suffered several failed attempts to adopt due to the inability to raise the necessary funds. We are currently in the process of adopting a brother and sister from Eastern Europe. Mission: Adoption started as a small group of friends supporting our efforts with prayers, shares, and donations. Those same friends encouraged us to set up a crowdfunding campaign. Investigating all of the crowd funding options left us feeling lost in a sea of other worthy projects. Having the capability of building our own websites, we decided to create a crowd funding website of our own. Out of a desire to share that blessing with others, we made it possible for other families to use our website to raise funds for their own adoptions. On Friday, 12 September 2014, we officially launched Mission: Adoption.
We hope that adoptive and pre-adoptive families everywhere will make use of Mission: Adoption and allow us to be a part of answering the call to adopt a child or children.
Visit Mission: Adoption at http://mission-adoption.com
Copyright 2014 Nissa Gadbois
About the Author
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